Have you tried separating your queries using a semicolon ?

*Muhammad Gelbana*

On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 3:14 AM, Kunal Khatua <kkha...@mapr.com> wrote:

> You could try to set the value through the OPTIONS tab on the top right.
> This will be a permanent 'system' level setting and not a temporary
> 'session'-level setting.
> You can have your API also do this using the 'alter system set ...' to
> achieve the same end goal.
> ________________________________
> From: Spandan Harithas Karamchedu <spandanharit...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 2:57:22 PM
> To: user@drill.apache.org
> Subject: Run Multiple Queries as a Single query Apache Drill
> Hi,
> I am planning to run the queries on Apache Drill using web console. I am
> facing an issue of running two queries as a single query.
> For example, I want to run the below query
> "select *  from
> dfs.root.`/Users/skaramchedu/hourly-job/2017/05/09/00/output/part-r-00000`
> limit 1"
> But before that, I have to perform a setting "set store.json.all_text_mode
> = true "
> Is there any way that I can run both as a single query?
> In my code, I use an API call to the url of web console...
> Can someone please help me regarding that?
> Thanks
> Spandan

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