1.  DRILL-2478<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DRILL-2478> is Open for 
this issue.
  2.  I have added more details into the comments.


From: Shuporno Choudhury <shuporno.choudh...@manthan.com>
Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 12:48:41 PM
To: user@drill.apache.org
Subject: Increasing store.parquet.block-size

The max value that can be assigned to *store.parquet.block-size *is
*2147483647*, as the value kind of this configuration parameter is LONG.
This basically translates to 2GB of block size.
How do I increase it to 3/4/5 GB ?
Trying to set this parameter to a higher value using the following command
actually succeeds :
    ALTER SYSTEM SET `store.parquet.block-size` = 4294967296;
But when I try to run a query that uses this config, it throws the
following error:
   Error: SYSTEM ERROR: NumberFormatException: For input string:
So, is it possible to assign a higher value to this parameter?
Shuporno Choudhury

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