I stand corrected on one point (Thanks, Sorabh!): the Drill web server does 
have a session timeout, configurable in boot options, that defaults to one hour.

- Paul

> On Jun 23, 2017, at 2:10 PM, Paul Rogers <prog...@mapr.com> wrote:
> Hi John,
> Your use case is interesting. I’m certainly not an expert in the network 
> aspects of what you are trying to do, but I can take a short at the related 
> Drill issues.
> Drill’s primary use case is connecting via the Drill client (typically via 
> JDBC or ODBC.) The Drill client handles security. It also allows SQL 
> sessions, and hence session options.
> Your use case is based on the REST API. At present, the REST API is best 
> described as a “prototype.” REST supports username/password login, and 
> sessions associated with the login (on a single Drillbit). Sessions never 
> timeout (as far as I can tell.) More importantly, the REST API returns all 
> query results in a single message, encoded as JSON. This is great for small 
> queries, but does not scale well when returning millions of large rows. 
> (Hint: we are looking for contributions to improve the REST API!)
> As Keys pointed out, the important question is this: does your app need 
> session state other than security? If so, then you need to consider overall 
> SQL session state, not just SSL connections. If your script does “ALTER 
> SESSION” followed by a query, then the ALTER SESSION might be sent to node A, 
> with the query going to node B. Node B does not know about the session on A, 
> and so results will be different than what you expect. The same is true with 
> temp tables.
> Said another way, you’d like your scripts to do round-robin per *request*, 
> but Drill is designed to do round-robin *per session.* (The Drill client, 
> when using ZK, does random selection of nodes that achieves roughly the same 
> result.) In short, your use case is clear, but is not supported today in 
> Drill.
> Putting this together:
> 1. Sessions must be sticky to a single Drillbit so that session state, temp 
> tables and so on are persisted (on that one Drillbit.)
> 2. If a session on one Drillbit drops, the app must establish a new session 
> on another Drillbit. That involves not just security tokens and cookies, but 
> also resetting session options, rebuilding temp tables, etc.
> 3. Since the app has to handle session recreation when switching Drillbits, 
> the security issue, while a nuisance, is a necessary result of switching 
> sessions.
> 4. (As Keys points out,) changing sessions is a rare event (due to timeouts, 
> node failures, etc.) so session recovery should be rare.
> The only way to make sessions “portable” is to create a shared, global 
> session shared across Drillbits, which is what you are proposing. Doing so is 
> non-trivial: it requires a global session registry (or a way of synchronizing 
> session state). Such sharing is not supported in Drill’s distributed, 
> shared-nothing architecture. Could we add it? Probably, but not in the short 
> term. If we ever find the need for a “metastore” (or central work scheduler), 
> then at that time Drill would have a mechanism to support session 
> portability; but that is a ways off.
> For the short term, can you perhaps rethink the use case given that sessions 
> are local? How will your app handle failover? Is the security issue as much 
> of a problem when seen as part of session recreation? (I’m not an expert 
> here; I’m asking how this might work: are there things, short of persistent 
> sessions, we can do to help?)
> You mentioned Drill-on-YARN (DoY). DoY is an interesting question. On the 
> surface, REST works the same on DoY as in “regular” Drill: the REST endpoint 
> doesn’t care how the Drillbit was launched. Whatever works with regular Drill 
> will work with DoY. Under DOY, J/ODBC clients work as usual: they maintain a 
> session with one Drillbit, and use ZK to find a fall-back Drillbit if the 
> first one fails (with the need for the client to re-establish the SQL session 
> state by resending session options, etc.) Can we improve this? Yes, if we did 
> the work described earlier.
> (BTW: I’m still looking for volunteers to help with code reviews so we can 
> contribute DoY to Apache Drill…)
> We have not yet looked into the security setup for DoY. (We wanted to get the 
> security fully working with Drill itself first.) You raise some good issues 
> that we must wrestle with as we enhance DoY to use the security features that 
> are becoming available in Drill itself.
> Thanks,
> - Paul
>> On Jun 23, 2017, at 9:50 AM, John Omernik <j...@omernik.com> wrote:
>> That makes sense, ya, I would love to hear about the challenges of this in
>> general from the Drill folks.
>> Also, I wonder if Paul R at MapR has any thoughts in how something like
>> this would be handled in the Drill on Yarn Setup.
>> John

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