
I'm getting errors when trying to fetch results from drill with queries
that evaluate to bigger tables. Surprisingly it works like a charm if the
returned table has less than 2M rows. It also seems like the query is
executed and finishes successfully....

I'm querying parquet files with GZIP compression on S3. I'm running drill
in distributed mode with zookeeper. I use version 1.9 from the container
available on dockerhub "harisekhon/apache-drill:1.9". I'm using the pydrill
package which uses the rest api to submit queries and gather results.

I get the following error message from the client:

TransportError(500, '{\n  "errorMessage" : "CONNECTION ERROR: Connection / <--> ef53daab0ef8/ (user client) closed
unexpectedly. Drillbit down?\\n\\n\\n[Error Id:
6a19835b-2325-431e-9bad-dde8f1d3c192 ]"\n}'

I would appreciate any help with this.

Alan Höng

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