Hi Ravi,

I just want to confirm that you are using Drill's JDBC storage plugin to 
connect to RDS on Aws for Oracle ? You can look into [1] to see the usage.

Currently JDBC plugin only supports four parameters: 
driver/url/username/password, there doesn't seem to be support for any separate 
parameters for SSL configuration. But having said that, probably you can check 
the JDBC driver which you are using if it allows to pass these SSL parameters 
as key-value pair within URL or not.

Also not sure what you mean by ODBC driver not having the option to enable 
this, since Drill doesn't support any ODBC storage plugin.

[1] : https://drill.apache.org/docs/rdbms-storage-plugin/

P.S. Please post these questions on users group only not on dev group, since 
there you will have wider audience which can answer it. For now I have removed 
dev group from To list.


From: Ravi Venugopal (C) <ravi.venugo...@cheniere.com>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 8:01 AM
To: d...@drill.apache.org; user@drill.apache.org
Subject: JDBC Driver


I am trying to POC drill for a customer and I am working on connecting the JDBC 
driver to RDS on Aws for Oracle.

Here is the Certificate of security on the TNS names, I do not see a syntx / 
kvp for the json to add this cert path (Cert info hidden)


PS: ODBC is not having the option to enable this as well.

Can someone help please.

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