Hi there, I have a problem about Drill-on-YARN. I configure Drill-on-YARN 
according to the Drill-on-YARN tutorials, but when I launch Drill under YARN 
and open the Drill-on-YARN web UI, I find a warning like this:

Because of it, the Drill-on-YARN application will be failed in some minutes:

What is that and how can I fix it? I can't find some information on the 
official website.
I have a CDH cluster which includes one manager named cm and five agents named 
ca01...ca05. I configure Drill-on-YARN on cm node.My drill version is 1.13.0.
By the way, is there a mistake in the drill-on-yarn-example.conf line 126, 
user_name should be user-name, otherwise it will cause an error like this??

Maybe my English is not good, but I hope you can understand what I just said. 
If you need some more details, just tell me please.

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