Hi Divya,

You mentioned combining Polygon shapes with Multipolygon shapes.

JSON allows objects with distinct structures: a Polygon, say, in one record, a 
MultiPolygon in another. However, Drill has to convert the JSON to a flat 
SQL-like structure. Yes, Drill allows "Maps" (Structs). But all Maps must have 
the same schema.

If you have fields that intermix Polygon and MultiPolygon objects, Drill will 
flatten the result into single combined tuple schema. This is fine, unless a 
field of the same name exists in both objects, but has different types in the 
two objects.

Since there is no error included here, it is not clear if this is, indeed, the 
case in your example, or if there is some other issue.

- Paul


    On Monday, June 11, 2018, 12:03:25 AM PDT, Divya Gehlot 
<divya.htco...@gmail.com> wrote:  
Can anybody help me by explaining below :
Drill cannot handle the intermixed Polygon shapes and MultiPolygon shapes.
Workaround: None, per se, but if you avoid querying the multi-polygon lines
(120 of them), Drill works fine on the entire remainder


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