What is the entire stack trace? I'm wonderinf if there is an internal timeout 
that is occuring for long running CTAS in a secure setup.

On 6/29/2018 3:42:17 AM, Divya Gehlot <divya.htco...@gmail.com> wrote:
At times I am getting error whlile CTAS and it doesn't happen all the time
like next run for 18 hours it will create the table .
Here are the details :
ls -ltr /path/to/directory/parquetfiles/2018_06_29
total 9
drwxrwxr-x 2 1 Jun 28 12:05 00
drwxrwxr-x 2 1 Jun 28 13:05 01

Error Logs :
SYSTEM ERROR: AccessControlException: User (user id 829131620) does
not have access to

Appreciate the help !


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