Hello guys, hope everyone is well.

I am having an encoding issue when converting a table from parquet into csv
files, I wonder if someone could shed some light on it ?

One of my data sets has data in French with lots of accentuation, and it is
persisted in HDFS as parquet.

When I query the parquet table with: *select `city` from
dfs.parquets.`file` , *it properly return the data encoded.



Then I convert this table into a CSV file with the following query:

*alter session set `store.format`='csv'*
*create table dfs.csvs.`converted` as select * from dfs.parquets.`file`*

Then when I run a select query on it, it returns data not properly encoded:

*select columns[0] from dfs.csvs.`converted`*



My storage plugin is pretty standard:

"csv" : {
"type" : "text",
"extensions" : [ "csv" ],
"delimiter" : ",",
"skipFirstLine": true

Should I explicitly add an charset option somewhere ? Couldn't find
anything helpful on the docs.

Tried adding *export DRILL_JAVA_OPTS="$DRILL_JAVA_OPTS
-Dsaffron.default.charset=UTF-8"* to drill-env.sh file, but no luck.

Have anyone ran into similar issues ?

Thank you !

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