Thanks For your response Kunal.

I tried in both the way but the outcome is same the window where I submitted 
the query is loading and other one is getting stuck. But the same query is 
working well with 1.12 version in which I could monitor the query status and 
submit another query.
I am submitting my query and trying to observe it's progress using the 
web-console of same drillbit as in our cluster we have only one web-console 
that we can access. Thanks for your suggestion regarding the other tools which 
is one option that I could try.

Please let me know your response.

Best regards, 

-----Original Message-----
From: Kunal Khatua [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Not Able To Access Drill Web Console In Multiple tabs Using Drill 

You could try the reverse. Monitor in the initial window, while submitting the 
query in another window.

That said, the reason your console is getting stuck is by design. The browser 
tab from which you submit the query is the window where you'll receive the 
results of the query. Hence, the window is "stuck" as it is waiting for results 
to come back.

With regards to why you are not able to monitor the current query status is 
because you might be having a fairly large result-set that the server is 
formatting for the web-console, resulting in the WebServer threads being 
saturated. A simpler workaround is to monitor the system through a second 
Drillbit's web-console. If the first Drillbit (from which you launched the 
query) is very busy, you'll see the status updates not coming in as frequently.

As a thumb rule, use the WebConsole for quick exploration (i.e. experimental 
queries with LIMIT to just glance at the data). Otherwise, there are a number 
of good JDBC based tools like SQuirrel and DBeaver (the latter also downloads 
the drivers automatically), that you can use. 

On 7/17/2018 3:40:06 AM, Surneni Tilak <> wrote:

Hi Team,

I am using Drill 1.13.0 version. I am facing below issues which were not there 
in 1.12.0

1. When I am submitting query I am not able to open Drill web-console in 
another window to monitor the currently running query status.

2. Not able to submit another query once a query is under running status as the 
console is getting stuck in running the first query.

Please guide me how I could come out of these issues as I would like to use the 
latest version of Drill.

Best regards,

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