One of my coworkers looked at the pom.xml in /exec/jdbc and noticed there was a 
version of javax.validation being called in about 7 years old (1.1.0.Final)
Replacing it with version 2.0.1.Final and rebuild of the JDBC driver jar solved 
the problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Rogers <> 
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: java version for Drill JDBC driver

Hi Rafael,

Drill's Git-based tests run against all Java versions from 8 to 14. Our biggest 
challenge is Guava: Drill has many dependencies and some use different (and 
incompatible) Guava versions. There is a "patcher" to edit the code at runtime 
to fix the issue.

Presto is nice in that it will load your connector using a dedicated class 
loader so that Drill's many dependencies should not conflict with Preso's 
dependencies. (We are slowly working on something similar for Drill.)

Your specific error is mysterious. That "getClockProviderClassName()" looks 
like Java's SPI system is trying to find a "clock provider" and failing. I've 
not seen anything like that in Drill.

I wonder if Drill's overly large set of JDBC dependencies is somehow 
conflicting with those in Presto?

- Paul


    On Thursday, April 9, 2020, 8:55:37 AM PDT, Bob Rudis <> wrote:  
 I use the JDBC driver via an RJDBC wrapper I wrote and the rJava it runs in is 
built with JDK 11, so it definitely is working in 11 for me.

> On Apr 9, 2020, at 11:38, Jaimes, Rafael - 0993 - MITLL 
> <> wrote:
> On the topic of java versions, I am trying to load the Drill JDBC driver in a 
> docker container running Presto and Java 11, I’m getting the following error:
> ERROR main io.prestosql.server.PrestoServer 'java.lang.String 
> javax.validation.BootstrapConfiguration.getClockProviderClassName()' 
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.String 
> javax.validation.BootstrapConfiguration.getClockProviderClassName()'
> Some stackoverflow searching shows that others have resolved that error for 
> other projects by changing Java versions (7 to 8 for example). I normally run 
> Drill in a Java 8 environment, but what about the JDBC driver? Should it work 
> in Java 11 or is it 8 only?
> My query Presto with Drill experiment has failed, so I am trying it the other 
> way around out of curiosity (query Drill with Presto).

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