HI Charles,
I have never contributed to any open source community before this. Also I
am not expert on JAVA but willing to contribute for sure. Please let me
know in what capacity i can be helpful here.

Also, I would like to know if there any efforts going on to identify
primary support for Apache drill and what is its future in case there is no
primary supporter? My organization is planning to build some tools using
drill and this news will definitely impact the same. thx


On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 8:18 PM Charles Givre <cgi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Drill Users,
> I hope everyone weathering the COVID storm and staying safe.
> As you may or may not be aware, I found out this week that MapR's
> successor, HPE has for all intents and purposes ended its support for
> Drill.  Whilst they will be contributing minimal bug fixes, they will not
> be adding any new functionality or new features.  This leaves the open
> source Drill without a primary backer.  Under the Apache rules, to commit
> code to the code base it must be reviewed and voted upon. While we have
> committers, we do not currently have enough code reviewers to review new
> commits.
> My question to you as a Drill user is whether or not Drill is offering
> value to you and your organization.  If it is, and you would like to see
> Drill development continue, then we need additional volunteers to step up
> and review pull requests.
> If you're interested in reviewing code for Drill, please let me know.
> Thank you for your continued support and stay safe!
> -- Charles

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