Hi Team,

I have a Drill cluster with 4 nodes. I wanted to make use of the Drill
cluster to query a Hive Metastore Service which is built on top of HA
enabled HDFS cluster.

As the Hadoop cluster is HA enabled the paths for the Hive tables
partitions are identified by a nameservice instead of a URL.

In our case, HDFS Nameservice is hadoop-qa and so, are the HDFS partition
paths in Hive like "hdfs://hadoop-qa/dwh/data/tables/base_table/"

Following is the storage-plugins-override.conf:

    hive: {
      type: "hive",
      configProps: {
        "hive.metastore.uris": "thrift://<host_name>:9083",
        "fs.default.name": "hdfs://hadoop-qa:8020",
        "hive.metastore.sasl.enabled": "false",
      enabled: true

When I try to query Hive using Drill, it fails to understand the
nameservice *hadoop-qa* and throws the following exception:

Error: SYSTEM ERROR: UnknownHostException: hadoop-qa

Can someone suggest if the configurations are wrong? I followed the ones in
the documentation. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

*We are trying to evaluate Drill for our Production facing analytical use
cases and this is a blocker for us in order to proceed with Drill.*


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