
Drill 1.20 will be compatible up to at least JDK 17 and will be released in the next week or two.  One way you can preview Drill running on JDK 17 is through the master-openjdk-17 <https://hub.docker.com/layers/apache/drill/master-openjdk-17/images/sha256-24b34ea797d51491eaaa2a2f7d292e9df7c92a636e14f8e5659f6452b08711c4?context=explore> Docker image here:


On 2022/01/24 13:16, Rukmani Palaniappan wrote:
Hi Team,

I was using java 8 (Jdk 8, jre 8) earlier. And For Database
connectivity with POSTMAN, I used apache driller 1.18.0 . It worked
fine. But now the java 8 version is outdated and I'm moving to java 16
(jdk 16) but apache drill is not compatible with this version of java.
Is there any solution to resolve this. I  am majorly blocked with

  With below script I got this:

  C:\Automation\apache-drill-1.19.0\bin>sqlline.bat -u "jdbc:drill:zk=local"
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option --illegal-access is
deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

  And on hittinghttps://localhost:8047/query  - i m getting 405 error

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