Hi Damien, 
Thanks for your interest in Drill.   I'm one of the main authors of the HTTP 
plugin, and it does implement filter pushdowns, but not join filters.  This is 
quite tricky to build in a generic way for APIs, but I'd be happy to discuss 
with you further.  We'd certainly welcome the contribution if you're willing.
-- C

> On Apr 22, 2022, at 8:56 AM, Damien Deom <damien.d...@energisme.com> wrote:
> Hi James,
> Thank you for your answer. I will take a deeper look at this…
> At Loamics, we’re dealing with large datasets coming from sevreral databaes.
> The challenge is whether we can perform joins with sufficient performance in 
> real time. If not, we will have to go through a data preparation phase.
> Looking closer, I noticed that drill as an http plugin, but does not 
> implement join filter pushdown :
> https://drill.apache.org/docs/http-storage-plugin/ 
> <https://drill.apache.org/docs/http-storage-plugin/>
> Do you plan to implement this feature ? will I have to create my own 
> connector in order to achieve best performance ?
> Also, I can see that the .msi ODBC driver has not been updated since October 
> 2018 :
> http://package.mapr.com/tools/MapR-ODBC/MapR_Drill/MapRDrill_odbc_v1.5.1.1002/
> <http://package.mapr.com/tools/MapR-ODBC/MapR_Drill/MapRDrill_odbc_v1.5.1.1002/>
> See you soon, and keep the good work !
> Damien DEOM
> Head of Lab
> Mobile : +33 6 28 07 06 41
> @ : damien.d...@loamics.com <mailto:damien.d...@loamics.com>
> www.loamics.com <http://www.loamics.com/>
> De : James Turton <dz...@apache.org <mailto:dz...@apache.org>> 
> Envoyé : mercredi 13 avril 2022 15:24
> À : user@drill.apache.org <mailto:user@drill.apache.org>; Damien Deom 
> <damien.d...@energisme.com <mailto:damien.d...@energisme.com>>
> Objet : Re: Apache drill: how to build a custom ODBC/JDBC driver that 
> performs rest api calls
> Hi Damien
> This is not quite the same thing but Drill does include a JDBC driver for its 
> clients and it can query HTTP APIs (with a couple of caveats) through its 
> HTTP storage plugin. The net effect is that without much legwork you can 
> query data from an HTTP API by sending SQL statements over a JDBC connection 
> to Drill. One of our community, Charles, built pretty much all of that 
> functionality and is quite active on here so he may be able to guide you 
> further.
> James
> On 2022/04/13 12:05, Damien Deom wrote:
> Hi,
> I’d like to know if Apache Drill allows to easily  build an ODBC/JDBC driver 
> that performs RPC calls to api’s we’re developing in our company.
> Solutions like like Progress allows to do that : 
> https://www.progress.com/tutorials/odbc/2-hour-tutorial-build-your-own-custom-odbc-driver-for-rest-api
> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.progress.com%2ftutorials%2fodbc%2f2-hour-tutorial-build-your-own-custom-odbc-driver-for-rest-api&c=E,1,Urgj-NuXu90dZgfTsgtEYFo8kQDL4jPOSzf51rvMzGrLrlyJtj7PBbriIvmAzedneFbKbDn5tsvKLzkEvjP9A3G3emncEtvtmZp-nbge7BgiuyX92RZqMvs,&typo=1>
> Apache Calcites does that too, but does not implement ODBC
> https://calcite.apache.org/avatica/docs/index.html 
> <https://calcite.apache.org/avatica/docs/index.html>
> Thanks in advance,
> Damien DEOM
> Head of Lab
> Mobile : +33 6 28 07 06 41
> @ : damien.d...@loamics.com <mailto:damien.d...@loamics.com>
> www.loamics.com 
> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.loamics.com%2f&c=E,1,csUnRmHisqLnkrioD06sE5UFvufpfbiKpODYMkS7KJ05LB3IVoyopISz1k7B7uO-Xj7U2YCKUs2MTReN-88o9OemD50LEljF61vSr-WZ&typo=1>

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