
Please see my comment on your StackOverflow post. After looking at the provisioning scripts that you're using, I don't think you should be trying to start Drillbits manually.


On 2023/05/29 16:28, Vigneswaran S wrote:
Dear Apache Drill Team,

I am trying to run Apache Drill in distributed mode on Google Cloud Dataproc, but unable to start drillbit on each node in the cluster.

I have created a basic cluster (1 master, 2 worker) with GCP Dataproc service, using the initialization scripts and instructions provided in the Apache Drill website.


Apache Drill 1.19.0 and Apache Zookeeper 3.6.3 versions were configured in the setup script. The cluster provisioning in Dataproc was successful and I am able to connect with each node using SSH. When I tried to check the status of Zookeeper using telnet localhost 2181 and entering stats, it is showing the following


Then, I try to start drillbit service on each node using the command bin/drillbit.sh start as mentioned here


then it shows

Starting drillbit, logging to /opt/drill/log/drillbit.out

When I check the status of drill using bin/drillbit.sh status, it displays

/opt/drill/drillbit.pid file is present but drillbit is not running.

When I try to access Drill web UI public_ip_addr:8047 using public ip address of any node, it gives "can’t establish a connection to the server". So it is unclear whether drill is running or not. Note: I have opened port 8047 under firewall rules

Kindly provide help on how to resolve the issue and set up Apache Drill in distributed mode on GCP.

Vigneswaran S

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