Short answer, not easily with Drools 2. But yes, with Drools 3.

On 3/22/06, Juergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently looked into drools after experimenting with JESS and got a
> few questions I could not look up in the drools documentation:
> - Exists a condition to test for non-existence of a matching
> object/fact?
> -- If yes, how to use it for own domain specific language conditions
> - How is sharing of conditions/nodes between productions implemented in
> drools, one of the main benefits of the rete algorithm?
> -- How is the equality of conditions defined for java smf? via textual
> equality of the condition's java code?
> -- How can equality of conditions for sharing be defined for domain
> specific language conditions?
> e.g. Conway's game of life (slightly modified dsl)
> <rule name="kill the overcrowded">
>         <conway:cellIsAlive cellName="cell"/>
>         <conway:cellIsOverCrowded cellName="cell"/>
>         <conway:killCell cellName="cell"/>
> </rule>
> <rule name="kill the lonely">
>         <conway:cellIsAlive cellName="cell"/>
>         <conway:cellIsLonely cellName="cell"/>
>         <conway:killCell cellName="cell"/>
> </rule>
> The conway:cellIsAlive condition could be shared between these two
> productions. Would it?
> - When will the properties map be supported in drools implementation of
> JSR 94 javax.rules API?
> -- e.g. to be able to set conflict resolver of a rule base and other
> settings that can be set via drools native API
> - Can object equality for assertion be customized?
> -- Currently, org.drools.util.IdentityMap
> (org.drools.reteoo.WorkingMemoryImpl) makes use of
> System.identityHashCode(). There seems to be no way to customize that,
> e.g. make drools use equals() instead, neither via native nor JSR 94
> API.
> My apologies if some questions have already been answered in other
> postings, I made no thorough search in this newsgroup yet.
> Thanks a lot, Juergen

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