Sorry, because of the time difference, I delayed to reply you. 
I have already finished test destined by you.
To my surprise, the result of test is very fast, it lasted only 0.6 seconds. 
Could you tell me why? 

And , you justed asked me:" do you really want to call
>workingMemory.fireAllRules() inside your for loop?" 
You are right, I really want to do this.

This is my invoke code with drools

package com.datangmobile.rules;


import org.drools.RuleBase;
import org.drools.RuleBaseFactory;
import org.drools.WorkingMemory;
import org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilder;
import org.drools.rule.Package;

public class alarmrules {

        public static final void main(String[] args) {
                alarmrules malarmrules = new alarmrules();

        void startRule()
                try {
                   //load up the rulebase
            RuleBase ruleBase = readRule();
            workingMemory = ruleBase.newWorkingMemory();

            //insert alarmdefine
            for(int i=1; i<50000; i++){
                        alarmdefine malarmdefine = new alarmdefine();
                        malarmdefine.setObjtype(i % 4);

                        workingMemory.assertObject( malarmdefine );
            //insert alarm
            for(int i=1; i<10000; i++)
                alarm malarm = new alarm();
                malarm.setObjtype(i % 4);
                workingMemory.assertObject( malarm );                           
         } catch (Throwable t) {
        private static RuleBase readRule() throws Exception {
                //read in the source
                Reader source = new                     InputStreamReader( 
alarmrules.class.getResourceAsStream( "/alarm.drl" )
                PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder();
                builder.addPackageFromDrl( source );

                Package pkg = builder.getPackage();
                RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();              
                ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
                return ruleBase;
        private static WorkingMemory workingMemory;     

This is my invoke code with JESS:

package com.datangmobile.rules;

import jess.*;

public class alarmrulesJess {

        public static final void main(String[] args) {
                alarmrulesJess malarmrules = new alarmrulesJess();
        private void startRule(){
        try {
                  Rete rete = new Rete();
           rete.executeCommand("(batch alarmTest.clp)");
            //insert alarmdefine
            for(int i=1; i<50000; i++){
                        alarmdefine malarmdefine = new alarmdefine();
                        malarmdefine.setObjtype(i % 4);
            //insert alarm
            for(int i=1; i<10000; i++)
                alarm malarm = new alarm();
                malarm.setObjtype(i % 4);
                rete.definstance("alarm", malarm ,false);
        } catch (Throwable t) {



One simple test I would like you to try is to change your rule from this:

    alarmdefine(alarmreason==reason, alarmlevel!=level)

 To this:

    alarmdefine(alarmlevel!=level, alarmreason==reason)

Let me know if you can run the same test this way.

Thank you,

Edson Tirelli wrote:

> Wangwei,
>Just to be sure I understood your code, do you really want to call
>workingMemory.fireAllRules() inside your for loop? I assume when you run
>the same code in Jess you call "(run)" the same number of times, right?
>We know we are still slower then Jess as we have some overheads that
>Jess doesn't face (to not speak in our 6 months old compared to Jess
>years old). We, of course, are working on improving the performance.
>But, what we are seeing is, for instance, in informal benchmarks we ran,
>like Manners with 64 guests, Jess is 3 times faster. If we raise to 128
>guests, we scale better and Jess is only 2 times faster.
>Also, the way you wrote the rule makes possible for Drools to use its
>indexed join optimizations, so it is the best scenario. It is really
>amazing the performance difference. If you can, would you please send us
>the whole invocation code, in a way we can run here and see what is
>being optimized and what is not? Also, it would be good to have the jess
>code, just to be sure we are comparing apples to apples.
>Thanks, I do appreciate.
>>Thanks, the whole rule file:
>>package com.datangmobile.rules
>>import com.datangmobile.rules.alarmdefine;
>>import com.datangmobile.rules.alarm;
>>rule "alarmdefine"
>>      no-loop true
>>      when
>>              #conditions
>>              alarm(reason:alarmreason, level:alarmlevel)
>>              alarmdefine(alarmreason==reason, alarmlevel!=level)
>>      then 
>>              #actions
>>              alarm.setCounter();
>>alarmdefine object:
>>package com.datangmobile.rules;
>>public class alarmdefine {
>>      private int alarmreason;
>>      private int alarmlevel;
>>      private int objtype;
>>      private int alarmtype;
>>      public int getAlarmlevel() {
>>              return alarmlevel;
>>      }
>>      public void setAlarmlevel(int alarmlevel) {
>>              this.alarmlevel = alarmlevel;
>>      }
>>      public int getAlarmreason() {
>>              return alarmreason;
>>      }
>>      public void setAlarmreason(int alarmreason) {
>>              this.alarmreason = alarmreason;
>>      }
>>      public int getAlarmtype() {
>>              return alarmtype;
>>      }
>>      public void setAlarmtype(int alarmtype) {
>>              this.alarmtype = alarmtype;
>>      }
>>      public int getObjtype() {
>>              return objtype;
>>      }
>>      public void setObjtype(int objtype) {
>>              this.objtype = objtype;
>>      }
>>alarm object:
>>package com.datangmobile.rules;
>>public class alarm {
>>      private int alarmreason;
>>      private int alarmlevel;
>>      private int objtype;
>>      private int alarmtype;
>>      private String dn;
>>      static private int counter = 0;
>>      public int getAlarmlevel() {
>>              return alarmlevel;
>>      }
>>      public void setAlarmlevel(int alarmlevel) {
>>              this.alarmlevel = alarmlevel;
>>      }
>>      public int getAlarmreason() {
>>              return alarmreason;
>>      }
>>      public void setAlarmreason(int alarmreason) {
>>              this.alarmreason = alarmreason;
>>      }
>>      public int getAlarmtype() {
>>              return alarmtype;
>>      }
>>      public void setAlarmtype(int alarmtype) {
>>              this.alarmtype = alarmtype;
>>      }
>>      public String getDn() {
>>              return dn;
>>      }
>>      public void setDn(String dn) {
>>              this.dn = dn;
>>      }
>>      public int getObjtype() {
>>              return objtype;
>>      }
>>      public void setObjtype(int objtype) {
>>              this.objtype = objtype;
>>      }       
>>      static public void setCounter(){
>>              counter++;
>>      }
>>      static public int getCounter(){
>>              return counter;
>>      }
>>can you provide your objects that you are using, and the whole rule file?
>>On 4/26/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Dear user group:
>>>       I have a queston about the performance of drools3.0.
>>>    My only one rule is:
>>>    rule "alarmdefine"
>>>    no-loop true
>>>    when
>>>    #conditions
>>>    alarm(reason:alarmreason, level:alarmlevel)
>>>    alarmdefine(alarmreason==reason, alarmlevel!=level)
>>>    then
>>>    #actions
>>>    alarm.setCounter();?
>>>    end
>>>    My eviroment:  eclipse3.2M5, jdk1.4.2-03
>>>       Testcode is :
>>>                  for(int i=1; i<1000; i++)
>>>           {
>>>               alarm malarm = new alarm();
>>>               malarm.setAlarmreason(i);
>>>               malarm.setAlarmlevel(1);
>>>               malarm.setObjtype(1);
>>>               malarm.setAlarmtype(1);
>>>             workingMemory.assertObject( malarm );
>>>    workingMemory.fireAllRules();
>>>           }
>>>    when alarmdefine exist 50000 record,  execute time is 20s
>>>    when alarmdefine exist 5000 recode,  execute time is 2s
>>>    Then I have done the same test with JESS, the rule is:
>>>    (defrule alarm-cleared-all
>>>    (alarm (alarmreason ?a) (alarmlevel ?x) )
>>>    (alarmdef (alarmreason ?a) (alarmlevel ?y&:(<> ?y ?x)))
>>>    =>
>>>    (call alarm setCounter)
>>>    )
>>>    when alarmdefine exist 50000 record, execute time is only 0.2s
>>>    Great difference!  Why?  What can I do?
>>>    Thanks
>>>    Wangwei

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