best to do it with the 3.0.x branch if you want it done for 3.0.5. But the integration test will most likley be useful for trunk.

A query works just like a rule does.

Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
K thanks, I 'll make a testcase patch for the trunk, like I did for the other bug that was fixed in 3.0.4 :)

Just to know: Drools does "delta's" for QueryResults too, right?
What I mean, if I change one lesson and say it's modified, drools will only recalculate the part of the QueryResults which could possibly be modified.

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Mark Proctor wrote:
If a rule fires for the same constraints and you have definitely asserted your data then I would say this is a bug. Can you make a self contained test and upload this to JIRA?

Geoffrey De Smet wrote:
I have a query like this in my drl file:

query "multipleLessonsPerTeacherPerTimeslot"
    $lesson : Lesson($id : id, $teacher : teacher,
                     $timeslot : timeslot);
    exists Lesson(id > $id, teacher == $teacher,
                  timeslot == $timeslot);

But when I do this in my java code
the second line returns null, there are no QueryResults.

Even when I change the query to something simple this:
  query "multipleLessonsPerTeacherPerTimeslot"
    lesson : Lesson()
it still returns null.

But if I try this with a rule, like this:
  rule teacherCanOnlyTeachOneGroupAtATime
    $lesson : Lesson($id : id, $teacher : teacher,
                     $timeslot : timeslot);
    exists Lesson(id > $id, teacher == $teacher,
                  timeslot == $timeslot);
    assertLogical(new HardConstraint(1));
together with this java code:
it does not return null, but a correct list.

Any idea what I am doing wrong? Thanks for any help.

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