I'll try to tackle your question on this DRL rule; I haven't used the XML
syntax, but anything I say here should be expressible in XML also, it's just
a different way
to say the same sort of things to the Rules Engine.

Let's look at your rule, and how it works:

               $cust  : Customer( region >= 1 )
               $order : Order( customer == $cust, totalAmount > 30 )

The when clause of a DRL rule specifies the conditions under which the then
clause (the "consequence") will be evaluated.  It is based off of assertions
we can make about the objects known to the system (which is what our working
memory is).  Drools works on the basis of object types, which in Java means
class types.  So, this rule is making assertions about the existence of some
sort of Customer object and another sort of Order object within the Working
Memory.  The exact type of the objects themselves isn't relevant -- if we
had an EliteCustomer object in our libraries that was a subclass of
Customer, it still passes the "instanceof" criteria to be a Customer, and
would be a candidate for this rule.

On these types, we can make assertions beyond just the initial assertion
that an object of the desired type exists in the WorkingMemory.  We do this
by asserting that the object has certain properties.  By "property", we mean
anything that the Java Bean Specification would call a property.  So, for
the first example above, we're saying something about the 'region'
property.  Typically, that means our Customer type has methods with the
following signatures:

public void setRegion(int region);
public int getRegion();

The Drools documentation has more details on this, but the important thing
is to know that Drools really wants to look at your objects as POJOs that it
can use Java Bean introspectors on and get some information about the
assertions you're making.

Assertions in a when clause are, by default, implicitly AND'ed together to
satisfy a given rule.  So our Order and Customer assertions *are* intimately

So, in English, the rule is saying something like this:

  There exists in the WorkingMemory an object which is an instanceof
Customer (which I'd like to just call $cust from now on for short) whose
region property has the value of 1 or more
  There exists in the WorkingMemory an object which is an instanceof Order,
and whose "customer" property must be equal to the $cust reference from the
first assertion (here I'm a bit fuzzy about whether this is referential
equality -- i.e., they must be the exact same object, or equality via the
equals() method -- the Drools guys can correct me), and whose totalAmount
property is more than 30).
do something

So, as you can see, with the implicit AND'ing, I'm making a very specific
assertion -- as point #1 of your email says.  Point #2 you make is *not*
correct; leaving off the "customer == $cust" portion of the rule would make
a big difference in the rule, removing the requirement that order and
customer match.  Most likely, this is undesirable -- you *want* to be sure
to evaluate the rule only for matching customers and orders.  If there ever
were a case where a Customer and Order could exist in the system that were
not related, then you might have a problem.

Suppose I had the following objects in the WorkingMemory:

Customer A:
Name = "Bob"
Region = 2

Customer B:
Name = "Alice"
Region = 2

Order C:
Customer = "Bob"
totalAmount = 55

Order D:
Customer = "Alice"
totalAmount = 60

With the original rule, I'm going to see two firings -- one for the
combination of A and C, one for the combination of B and D.  The wording of
the rule ensures those are the only combinations that will satisfy it.
However, if I remove the ties between customer and order in the rule, now
I'll see a firing of A and C, A and D, B and C, and B and D -- to cover all
possible pairings of any customer and any order.  Again, this is probably
not what you want.

The Drools guys can correct me on the equality issue, but I think otherwise
I've got this correct.

As far as point #4, yes, you can add more specifics to your assertions just
like you showed there.  You want to add whatever specifics it takes to
ensure the rule only fires for the exact combinations of interest, and it is
best to push as much logic as possible into the when condition, so long as
you can make those assertions through simple property fields of the object.
It gets more complex when the properties are not amenable to such
examination (for instance, there does not exist a no-arg getter for the
field of interest; in that case, Drools has to do much more work to pass an
argument in, and I believe it cannot cache results for future evaluations,
meaning that work has to be done many more times than would be needed for
the no-arg case).

Let me know if I was confusing.  This is hard to get at first, you usually
have to play with it and look at many examples.
Michael J. Suzio

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