Echoing Gedd here—would be great to get +1 binding vote from Mentors prior to 
moving up to Incubator IPMC.

Joshua Poore

> On Jun 8, 2021, at 2:48 PM, Gedd Johnson <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a reminder to VOTE on RC3 mentioned in this thread. We are currently
> sitting at +2  and require at least one more vote to continue in the
> release process.
> Thanks!
> Gedd Johnson
>> On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 5:59 PM Gedd Johnson <> wrote:
>>  +1
>> Thanks all again for the feedback!
>> [X] Build and Unit Tests Pass
>> [X] Integration Tests Pass
>> [X] "Incubating" in References to Project and Distribution File Names
>> [X] Signatures and Hashes Match Keys
>> [X] DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE Files in Source and Binary Release
>> Packages
>> [X] DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE are consistent with ASF and Incubator
>> Policy
>> [X] CHANGELOG included with release distribution
>> [X] All Source Files Have Correct ASF Headers
>> [X] No Binary Files in Source Release Packages
>>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 8:35 PM Joshua Poore <> wrote:
>>> +1
>>> RC3 Looks great!
>>> Licenses and headers are resolved.
>>> I added CHANGELOG to svn dev repo (top level; Changelog is already
>>> included in source files). That doesn’t break the RC candidate, or require
>>> re-roll.
>>> Woohoo! Great work Gedd!!
>>> I checked:
>>> [X] Build and Unit Tests Pass
>>> [X] Integration Tests Pass
>>> [X] "Incubating" in References to Project and Distribution File Names
>>> [X] Signatures and Hashes Match Keys
>>> [X] DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE Files in Source and Binary Release
>>> Packages
>>> [X] DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE are consistent with ASF and Incubator
>>> Policy
>>> [X] CHANGELOG included with release distribution
>>> [X] All Source Files Have Correct ASF Headers
>>> [X] No Binary Files in Source Release Packages
>>> RAT Run Looks Good (.babelrc can’t take headers—will be parsed, binaries
>>> are images for web extension):
>>>  Files with Apache License headers will be marked AL
>>>  Binary files (which do not require any license headers) will be marked B
>>>  Compressed archives will be marked A
>>>  Notices, licenses etc. will be marked N
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/.asf.yaml
>>> !????? ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/.babelrc
>>>  N     ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/DISCLAIMER
>>>  N     ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/KEYS
>>>  N     ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/LICENSE
>>>  N     ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/NOTICE
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/doap-userale.js.rdf
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/rollup.config.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/build/userale-2.2.0.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/build/userale-2.2.0.min.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/build/UserALEWebExtension/background.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/build/UserALEWebExtension/content.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/build/UserALEWebExtension/options.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/build/UserALEWebExtension/optionsPage.html
>>>  B
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/build/UserALEWebExtension/icons/border-48.png
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/index.html
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/index.js
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/server.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/log-label-example/index.html
>>>  N
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/webpackUserAleExample/LICENSE
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/webpackUserAleExample/index.html
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/webpackUserAleExample/index.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/webpackUserAleExample/webpack.config.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/example/webpackUserAleExample/dist/main.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/journey/userale.journey.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/attachHandlers.js
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/configure.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/getInitialSettings.js
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/main.js
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/packageLogs.js
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/sendLogs.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/UserALEWebExtension/background.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/UserALEWebExtension/content.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/UserALEWebExtension/globals.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/UserALEWebExtension/messageTypes.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/UserALEWebExtension/options.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/UserALEWebExtension/optionsPage.html
>>>  B
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/UserALEWebExtension/icons/border-48.png
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/src/UserALEWebExtension/public/index.html
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/attachHandlers_spec.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/configure_spec.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/getInitialSettings_fetchAll.html
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/getInitialSettings_spec.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/getInitialSettings_userParam.html
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/main.html
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/main_spec.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/packageLogs_spec.js
>>>  AL
>>> ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/sendLogs_spec.js
>>>  AL    ./apache-flagon-useralejs-incubating-2.2.0-src/test/testUtils.js
>>>> On Jun 3, 2021, at 3:12 PM, Furkan KAMACI <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Gedd,
>>>> Thanks for spinning the release candidate. However, I see that people
>>> are still voting on the RC#2 mail thread. Could you mention you have closed
>>> the vote for RC#2 with a brief explanation of the reason at that mail
>>> thread?
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> Furkan KAMACI
>>>> On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 10:25 PM Gedd Johnson <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Folks,
>>>> Please VOTE on the Apache Flagon 2.2.0 Release Candidate #3.
>>>> About Flagon: <
>>>> This Minor release includes:
>>>> 1. Adding a page load log feature
>>>> 2. Refactoring the build pipeline using Rollup
>>>> 3. Adding a journey testing suite
>>>> 4. Fixing a bug with sendOnClose
>>>> We solved 21 issues:
>>>> <
>>>> Git source tag (2b996df):
>>> <
>>>> Staging repo:
>>> <>
>>>> Source Release Artifacts:
>>> <
>>>> PGP release keys (signed using A88C905BD4516D4C):
>>>> <
>>>> Link to successful Github CI Build:
>>>> <
>>>> Reference the useralejs testing framework to assist in your unit and
>>>> integration tests:
>>> <
>>>> Vote will be open for 72 hours. Please VOTE as follows:
>>>> [ ] +1, let's get it released!!!
>>>> [ ] +/-0, fine, but consider to fix few issues before...
>>>> [ ] -1, nope, because... (and please explain why)
>>>> Along with your VOTE, please indicate testing and checks you've made
>>>> against build artifacts, src, and documentation:
>>>> [ ] Build and Unit Tests Pass
>>>> [ ] Integration Tests Pass
>>>> [ ] "Incubating" in References to Project and Distribution File Names
>>>> [ ] Signatures and Hashes Match Keys
>>>> [ ] DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE Files in Source and Binary Release
>>>> Packages
>>>> [ ] DISCLAIMER, LICENSE, and NOTICE are consistent with ASF and
>>> Incubator
>>>> Policy
>>>> [ ] CHANGELOG included with release distribution
>>>> [ ] All Source Files Have Correct ASF Headers
>>>> [ ] No Binary Files in Source Release Packages
>>>> Thank you to everyone that is able to VOTE as well as everyone that
>>>> contributed to Apache Flagon 2.2.0

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