Feel free to continue discussing. However, I have initiated a VOTE on private@ 
to accept the CCLA and Software Grant.

> On May 31, 2022, at 9:49 PM, Joshua Poore <poor...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I’m very excited to say that the University of Maryland has executed an CCLA 
> with Software Grant for the Apache Flagon project!
> The Software Grant encompasses a refactor of the Apache Flagon Distill 
> product, which has been deprecated for a few years now [1]  
> This Grant includes ~150 new commits and thousands of new insertions (and a 
> lot of deletions)
> At UMD my team and I re-thought Distill as a Python Package (for distro 
> through PyPI) [2] that allows users to:
> - efficiently segment UserALE.js (or User Behavior Logs) data
> - curate segments
> - transform segments with logical operations (intersection, union, etc.)
> - filter log data extracted from segments
> - apply analytics (e.g., statistical, graphs) to data extracted from segments
> - support graph-based visualization (funnel, sankey)
> Additionally: 
> - code is well documented [3]
> - excellent working examples [4] 
> Distill also provides examples for dashboards to visualize segments using 
> both Apache Superset and Plotly/Dash
> The original Distill product was tethered to a front-end (Tap), relied on 
> rudimentary (and error-prone) processing of segments within the client. This 
> made Distill difficult to maintain and required users to adopt tap, limiting 
> their analytical use-cases with UserALE.js and Distill.
> Overall, I think that Distill provides a far more scaleable product to engage 
> (and expand) our development community. I think this will add real value to 
> Apache Flagon.
> Overhead/Actions prior to release:
> - Documentation builds will need be adjusted for a new repo/branch
> - Additional documentation for a few analytical functions (i.e., click-rate)
> - Minor tweaks to simply code in a few functions (i.e., click-rate)
> - Some restructuring of Repo to consolidate and organize examples
> - a few additional README’s should be added (i.e., examples /dir)
> IP Clearance
> The Software Grant is signed by Felicia Metz, esq. who is an Associate 
> Director at the University of Maryland’s, UMD Ventures office, which has 
> authority to release UMD IP. That makes accepting this grant significantly 
> easier from an IP Clearance perspective.
> New Committers
> The UMD executed CCLA includes 5 new committers and potentially new PPMC 
> members.
> Prior to initiating a VOTE on private@ I wanted to give the community an 
> opportunity to chime in and ask questions. The New Committers listed are 
> already subscribed to the dev list.
> Let’s take 72 hours to DISCUSS prior to a VOTE.
> Best,
> Josh
> [1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-flagon-distill 
> <https://github.com/apache/incubator-flagon-distill>
> [2] 
> https://github.com/UMD-ARLIS/incubator-flagon-distill/tree/distill_toolkit_refactor
> <https://github.com/UMD-ARLIS/incubator-flagon-distill/tree/distill_toolkit_refactor>
> [3] 
> https://incubator-flagon-distill.readthedocs.io/en/distill_toolkit_refactor/ 
> <https://incubator-flagon-distill.readthedocs.io/en/distill_toolkit_refactor/>
> [4] 
> https://github.com/UMD-ARLIS/incubator-flagon-distill/blob/distill_toolkit_refactor/examples/Segments_Demo.ipynb
> <https://github.com/UMD-ARLIS/incubator-flagon-distill/blob/distill_toolkit_refactor/examples/Segments_Demo.ipynb>

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