Just adding the complete tally to this thread—

RESULT is +7 in favor of Graduation from the Community;  +2 Binding IPMC from 

The breakdown is as follows:

+ 1 [7]:

Joshua Poore
Gedd Johnson
Amir Ghaemi
Furkan KAMACI (IPMC/binding) 
Evan Jones
Austin Bennett
Lewis Mcgibbney (IPMC/binding)

0 [0]:



> On Nov 5, 2022, at 10:28 PM, Austin Bennett <aus...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Flagon Community,
> The votes have been tallied, and the result is in favor of the graduation
> of the Flagon project [1].  Per the Graduation Guidelines this is meant to
> show the community's support, which was unanimous with 6 votes on the
> message thread [ and 1 additional from @lewi...@apache.org
> <lewi...@apache.org> found in two alternate locations [2][3] - so that is
> noteworthy, but I mention supplementarily rather than part of the official
> on-list Vote ], and no votes against.
> Votes in Favor [ beyond those by of Lewis John McGibbney ] were cast by:
> Joshua Poore
> Gedd Johnson
> Amir Ghaemi
> Furkan KAMACI
> Evan Jones
> Austin Bennett
> There were no votes against.
> Best,
> Austin
> [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/vlhrb87f6s4wmckkwrh2v3toj06zhhbp
> [2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/po7g4b51mp6nb2khvkpxd8r0gv4qsh34
> [3] https://lists.apache.org/thread/xbkg9mcwx23c1235013ownyxss31rkpc

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