Do you also have the rest of the code. It would be helpful in order to find
out why it's not working.


On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Pa Rö <>

> now i have implement a time logger in the open and close methods, it is
> wrok fine, but i try to initial the flink class with a parameter (counter
> of benchmark round),
> but it will initial always with 0. but i get no exception. what i do wrong?
> my benchmark class:
> public class FlinkBenchmarkLauncher {
>     private static List<Long> times = new ArrayList<Long>();
>     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>         Properties pro = new Properties();
> pro.load(FlinkBenchmarkLauncher.class.getResourceAsStream("/"));
>         int benchRounds =
> Integer.parseInt(pro.getProperty("benchmark.rounds"));
>         FileSystem fs = LocalFileSystem.get(new
> URI(pro.getProperty("hdfs.namenode")),new
> org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration());
>         String outputPath =
> fs.getHomeDirectory()+pro.getProperty("flink.output");
>         for(int i=0;i<benchRounds;i++) {
>             FlinkMain fm = new FlinkMain((i+1));
>             long start = System.nanoTime();
>   ;
>             long end = System.nanoTime();
>             times.add(end-start);
>             if(i!=benchRounds-1) {
>                 fs.delete(new Path(outputPath+"/points"), false);
>                 fs.delete(new Path(outputPath+"/centers"), false);
>             }
>         }
>         BenchmarkHelper.writeTimekeepingToFile(times, "flink_benchmark");
>     }
> }
> my flink main class.
> public class FlinkMain implements Runnable{
>     private static int benchmarkCounter;
>     private static int iterationCounter = 1;
>     FlinkMain(int benchmarkCounter) {
>         this.benchmarkCounter = benchmarkCounter;
>     }
>     public void run() {
>     // my execute
>    ...
> 2015-06-26 12:34 GMT+02:00 Pa Rö <>:
>> Thank you for your quick response.
>> I just do not understand quite what you mean. I need to define a method
>> in Java or do you mean that I should use the monitoring in the browser?
>> 2015-06-26 10:09 GMT+02:00 Robert Metzger <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> The TaskManager which is running the Sync task is logging when its
>>> starting the next iteration. I know its not very convenient.
>>> You can also log the time and Iteration id (from the
>>> IterationRuntimeContext) in the open() method.
>>> On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Pa Rö <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> hello flink community,
>>>> i have write a k means app for clustering temporal geo data. now i want
>>>> know how many time flink need for compute one iteration. Is it possible to
>>>> measure that, cause of the execution engine of flink?
>>>> best regards,
>>>> paul

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