Hi Dongwon Kim,

this blog post describes Flink's memory management, serialization, and sort
algorithm and also includes performance numbers of some microbenchmarks.


The difference between Text and OptimizedText, is that OptimizedText is
sorted using 10-byte binary prefix key. Hence, the sorting happens directly
on the binary data and OptimizedText objects are not deserialized.
 The lower CPU utilization can be explained by less deserialization +
garbage collection. Since the CPU is less utilized, the network and disk
utilization increases.

Let us know if you have further questions,

2015-07-10 9:35 GMT+02:00 Dongwon Kim <eastcirc...@postech.ac.kr>:

> Hi Stephan,
> I just pushed changes to my github:
> https://github.com/eastcirclek/terasort.
> I've modified the TeraSort program so that (A) it can reuse objects
> and (B) it can exploit OptimizedText as you suggested.
> I've also conducted few experiments and the results are as follows:
> ORIGINAL : 1714
> ORIGINAL+A : 1671
> ORIGINAL+B : 1467
> ORIGINAL+A+B : 1427
> Your advice works as shown above :-)
> Datasets are now defined as below:
> - val inputFile = env.readHadoopFile(teraInputFormat, classOf[Text],
> classOf[Text], inputPath)
> - val optimizedText = inputFile.map(tp => (new OptimizedText(tp._1),
> tp._2))
> - val sortedPartitioned = optimizedText.partitionCustom(partitioner,
> 0).sortPartition(0, Order.ASCENDING)
> - sortedPartitioned.map(tp => (tp._1.getText, tp._2)).output(hadoopOF)
> You can see the two map transformations before and after the function
> composition partitionCustom.sortPartition.
> Here is a question regarding the performance improvement.
> Please see the attached Ganglia image files.
> - ORIGINAL-[cpu, disks, network].png are for ORIGINAL.
> - BEST-[cpu, disks, network].png are for ORIGINAL+A+B.
> Compared to ORIGINAL, BEST shows better utilization of disks and
> network and shows lower CPU utilization.
> Is this because OptimizedText objects are serialized into Flink memory
> layout?
> What happens when keys are represented in just Text, not
> OptimziedText? Are there another memory area to hold such objects? or
> are they serialized anyway but in an inefficient way?
> If latter, is the CPU utilization in ORIGINAL high because CPUs work
> hard to serialize Text objects using Java serialization mechanism with
> DataInput and DataOutput?
> If true, I can explain the high throughput of network and disks in
> I, however, observed the similar performance when I do mapping not
> only on 10-byte keys but also on 90-byte values, which cannot be
> explained by the above conjecture.
> Could you make things clear? If so, I would be very appreciated ;-)
> I'm also wondering whether the two map transformations,
> (Text, Text) to (OptimizedText, Text) and  (OptimizedText, Text) to
> (Text, Text),
> can prevent Flink from performing a lot better.
> I don't have time to modify TeraInputFormat and TeraOutputFormat to
> read (String, String) pairs from HDFS and write (String, String) pairs
> to HDFS.
> Do you see that one can get a better TeraSort result using an new
> implementation of FileInputFormat<String,String>?
> Regards,
> Dongwon Kim
> 2015-07-03 3:29 GMT+09:00 Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org>:
> > Hello Dongwon Kim!
> >
> > Thanks you for sharing these numbers with us.
> >
> > I have gone through your implementation and there are two things you
> could
> > try:
> >
> > 1)
> >
> > I see that you sort Hadoop's Text data type with Flink. I think this may
> be
> > less efficient than if you sort String, or a Flink specific data type.
> >
> > For efficient byte operations on managed memory, Flink needs to
> understand
> > the binary representation of the data type. Flink understands that for
> > "String" and many other types, but not for "Text".
> >
> > There are two things you can do:
> >   - First, try what happens if you map the Hadoop Text type to a Java
> String
> > (only for the tera key).
> >   - Second, you can try what happens if you wrap the Hadoop Text type in
> a
> > Flink type that supports optimized binary sorting. I have pasted code for
> > that at the bottom of this email.
> >
> > 2)
> >
> > You can see if it helps performance if you enable object re-use in Flink.
> > You can do this on the ExecutionEnvironment via
> > "env.getConfig().enableObjectReuse()". Then Flink tries to use the same
> > objects repeatedly, in case they are mutable.
> >
> >
> > Can you try these options out and see how they affect Flink's runtime?
> >
> >
> > Greetings,
> > Stephan
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> > Code for optimized sortable (Java):
> >
> > public final class OptimizedText implements
> NormalizableKey<OptimizedText >
> > {
> > private final Text text;
> > public OptimizedText () {
> > this.text = new Text();
> > }
> > public OptimizedText (Text from) {
> > this.text = from;
> > }
> >
> > public Text getText() {
> > return text;
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > public int getMaxNormalizedKeyLen() {
> > return 10;
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > public void copyNormalizedKey(MemorySegment memory, int offset, int len)
> {
> > memory.put(offset, text.getBytes(), 0, Math.min(text.getLength(),
> > Math.min(10, len)));
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > public void write(DataOutputView out) throws IOException {
> > text.write(out);
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > public void read(DataInputView in) throws IOException {
> > text.readFields(in);
> > }
> >
> > @Override
> > public int compareTo(OptimizedText o) {
> > return this.text.compareTo(o.text);
> > }
> > }
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> > Converting Text to OptimizedText (Java code)
> >
> > map(new MapFunction<Tuple2<Text, Text>, Tuple2<OptimizedText, Text>>() {
> > @Override
> > public Tuple2<OptimizedText, Text> map(Tuple2<Text, Text> value) {
> > return new Tuple2<OptimizedText, Text>(new OptimizedText(value.f0),
> > value.f1);
> > }
> > })
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 6:47 PM, Dongwon Kim <eastcirc...@postech.ac.kr>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I'd like to share my code for TeraSort on Flink and Spark which uses
> >> the same range partitioner as Hadoop TeraSort:
> >> https://github.com/eastcirclek/terasort
> >>
> >> I also write a short report on it:
> >>
> >>
> http://eastcirclek.blogspot.kr/2015/06/terasort-for-spark-and-flink-with-range.html
> >> In the blog post, I make a simple performance comparison between
> >> Flink, Spark, Tez, and MapReduce.
> >>
> >> I hope it will be helpful to you guys!
> >> Thanks.
> >>
> >> Dongwon Kim
> >> Postdoctoral Researcher @ Postech
> >
> >

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