
Currently, Flink does not support automatic scaling of the YARN containers.
There are certainly plans to add this feature:

Adding an API for manually starting and stopping containers is something we
can do very easily, something dynamic is a bit harder.
The feature is something I was always interested to work on, but nobody
really asked for it. But it seems that more and more people are asking for
If this is a requirement for you to use Flink, I'm certainly willing to add
the feature into Flink.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Peter Voß <p...@datameer.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have started a Flink YARN session using yarn-session.sh and the
> configuration of number of YARN container seems to be pretty static.
> Is it possible to have Flink adjust the number of containers depending on
> the actual workload. E.g. stop containers that are idle for too long and
> start them up again when more jobs get submitted?
> Or are there any plans to have more dynamic resource management?
> Thanks,
> —Peter

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