Yes … You’re right.

Anyway, adding the log4j jar solved the issue and our app is working properly, 
thanks !

About curator, I just observed that it was not there anymore when comparing the 
old and new fatjars. But it’s probably now in another dependency, anyway there 
is no curator-related error so it just probably moved.

Thanks !


From: Robert Metzger []
Sent: mercredi 14 octobre 2015 17:06
Subject: Re: Building Flink with hadoop 2.6

One more thing regarding the truncate method: Its supported as of Hadoop 2.7.0 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Robert Metzger 
<<>> wrote:
Ah, I know what's causing this issue.
In the latest 0.10-SNAPSHOT, we have removed log4j from the fat jar.

Can you copy everything from the lib/ folder from your maven build into the 
lib/ folder of your flink installation?
Log4j is now in a separate jar in the lib/ folder .

What about the curator dependency issue?

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 4:56 PM, Gwenhael Pasquiers 
<<>> wrote:
The first class that it can not find is :

The org.apache.log4j package is not present in the fat jar I get from the mvn 
command, but it is in the one you distributed on your website.

From: Robert Metzger [<>]
Sent: mercredi 14 octobre 2015 16:54
Subject: Re: Building Flink with hadoop 2.6

Which classes can it not find at runtime?

I'll try to build and run Flink with exactly the command you've provided.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Gwenhael Pasquiers 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Robert !

I’m using ” mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dhadoop.version=2.6.0 “.

From: Robert Metzger [<>]
Sent: mercredi 14 octobre 2015 16:47
Subject: Re: Building Flink with hadoop 2.6

Hi Gwen,

can you tell us the "mvn" command you're using for building Flink?

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Gwenhael Pasquiers 
<<>> wrote:
Hi ;

We need to test some things with flink and hadoop 2.6 (the trunc method).

We’ve set up a build task on our Jenkins and everything seem okay.

However when we replace the original jar from your 0.10-SNAPSHOT distribution 
by ours there are some missing dependencies (log4j, curator, and maybe others) 
and we get some ClassNotFoundException at runtime.

Are we missing some build parameters ?

Thanks in advance,


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