My model DataStream is not keyed and does not have any windows, only the main 
stream has windows and apply function
I have two Kafka Streams, one for events and one for model
DataStream<Model> model_stream = env.addSource(new 
FlinkKafkaConsumer082<Model>(model_topic, new 
AvroDeserializationSchema(Model.class), properties));DataStream<Raw> 
main_stream = env.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer082<Raw>(raw_topic, new 
AvroDeserializationSchema(Raw.class), properties));

My topology looks like this:main_stream.assignTimestamps(new 
AggFunction()).connect(model_stream).flatMap(new applyModel()).print();
 AggFunction is a simple aggregate function:Long start_ts=Long.MAX_VALUE;       
 Long end_ts=Long.MIN_VALUE;        Long dwell_time=0L,last_event_ts=0L;        
int size = Lists.newArrayList(values).size();
        for (Raw value: values) {            if(value.getTs() > end_ts) end_ts 
= value.getTs();            if (value.getTs() < start_ts) start_ts = 
            if(last_event_ts == 0L){                last_event_ts = 
value.getTs();            } else {                dwell_time += value.getTs() - 
last_event_ts;                last_event_ts = value.getTs();            }       
        out.collect(new Features(tuple.getField(0), tuple.getField(2), 
tuple.getField(1), start_ts, end_ts, size, dwell_time, Boolean.FALSE));  

     On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 12:59 PM, Stephan Ewen <> 

Can you give us a bit more context? For example share the structure of the 
program (what stream get windowed and connected in what way)?
I would guess that the following is the problem:
When you connect one stream to another, then partition n of the first stream 
connects with partition n of the other stream.When you do a keyBy().window() 
then the system reshuffles the data, and the records are in different 
partitions, meaning that they arrive in other instances of the 
You can also call keyBy() before both inputs to make sure that the records are 
properly routed...

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Vladimir Stoyak <> wrote:

Got stuck a bit with CoFlatMapFunction. It seems to work fine if I place it on 
the DataStream before window but fails if placed after window's “apply” 
function.I was testing two streams, main “Features” on flatMap1 constantly 
ingesting data and control stream “Model” on flatMap2 changing the model on 
request.I am able to set and see b0/b1 properly set in flatMap2, but flatMap1 
always see b0 and b1 as was set to 0 at the initialization.Am I missing 
something obvious here?Thanks a lot, Vladimirpublic static class applyModel 
implements CoFlatMapFunction<Features, Model, EnrichedFeatures> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    Double b0;
    Double b1;

    public applyModel(){

    public void flatMap1(Features value, Collector<EnrichedFeatures> out) {
        System.out.print("Main: " + this + "\n");

    public void flatMap2(Model value, Collector<EnrichedFeatures> out) {
        System.out.print("Old Model: " + this + "\n");
        b0 = value.getB0();
        b1 = value.getB1();
        System.out.print("New Model: " + this + "\n");

    public String toString(){
        return "CoFlatMapFunction: {b0: " + b0 + ", b1: " + b1 + "}";


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