Hey Arnaud,

thanks for reporting this. I think Till’s suggestion will help to debug this 
(checking whether a second YARN application has been started)…

You don’t want to run the batch application in HA mode, correct?

I sounds like the batch job is submitted with the same config keys. Could you 
start the batch job explicitly with -Drecovery.mode=standalone?

If you do want the batch job to be HA as well, you have to configure separate 
Zookeeper root paths:

recovery.zookeeper.path.root: /flink-streaming-1 # for the streaming session

recovery.zookeeper.path.root: /flink-batch # for the batch session

– Ufuk

> On 03 Dec 2015, at 11:01, LINZ, Arnaud <al...@bouyguestelecom.fr> wrote:
> Yes, it does interfere, I do have additional task managers. My batch 
> application comes in my streaming cluster Flink’s GUI instead of creating its 
> own container with its own GUI despite the –m yarn-cluster option.
> De : Till Rohrmann [mailto:trohrm...@apache.org] 
> Envoyé : jeudi 3 décembre 2015 10:36
> À : user@flink.apache.org
> Objet : Re: HA Mode and standalone containers compatibility ?
> Hi Arnaud,
> as long as you don't have HA activated for your batch jobs, HA shouldn't have 
> an influence on the batch execution. If it interferes, then you should see 
> additional task manager connected to the streaming cluster when you execute 
> the batch job. Could you check that? Furthermore, could you check that 
> actually a second yarn application is started when you run the batch jobs?
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 9:57 AM, LINZ, Arnaud <al...@bouyguestelecom.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have both streaming applications & batch applications. Since the memory 
> needs are not the same, I was using a long-living container for my streaming 
> apps and new short-lived containers for hosting each batch execution.
> For that, I submit streaming jobs with "flink run"  and batch jobs with 
> "flink run -m yarn-cluster"
> This was working fine until I turned zookeeper HA mode on for my streaming 
> applications.
> Even if I don't set it up in the yaml flink configuration file, but with -D 
> options on the yarn_session.sh command line, now my batch jobs try to run in 
> the streaming container, and fails because of the lack of ressources.
> My HA options are :
> -Dyarn.application-attempts=10 -Drecovery.mode=zookeeper 
> -Drecovery.zookeeper.quorum=h1r1en01:2181 
> -Drecovery.zookeeper.path.root=/flink  -Dstate.backend=filesystem 
> -Dstate.backend.fs.checkpointdir=hdfs:///tmp/flink/checkpoints 
> -Drecovery.zookeeper.storageDir=hdfs:///tmp/flink/recovery/
> Am I missing something ?
> Best regards,
> Aranud
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