Hi Márton, 

Thanks for your answer. But now I'm even more confused as it somehow
conflicts with the documentation. ;)
According to the wiki and the stratosphere paper the JobGraph will be
submitted to the JobManager. And the JobManager will then translate it into
the ExecutionGraph.

> In order to track the status of the parallel vertex and channel
> instances individually, the Job Manager spans the Job Graph
> to the Execution Graph, as shown in Fig. 9. The Execution
> Graph contains a node for each parallel instance of a vertex,
> which we refer to as a task.

So the ExecutionGraph should only be available at the JobManager and contain
a node for each parallel instance of a operator and the corresponding

The question is in the context of my master thesis as I'm trying to describe
the deployment process of Flink. And wan't to use a visualization of the
execution plan as an concrete example for one of these three Graphs.

Best Alex!

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