
I’ve got two more questions on different topic…

First one :
Is there a way to monitor the buffers status. In order to  find bottleneck in 
our application we though it could be usefull to be able to have a look at the 
different exchange buffers’ status. To know if they are full (or as an example 
if a mapper had to wait before being able to push it’s data into the buffer). 
That way we can know where the bottleneck is.

Second one :
On type of resources on yarn is vCPU. In flink 0.8 there was a “-tmc” argument 
that allowed to specify the number of vCPU per task manager. We cannot find it 
anymore. Was it removed ? Is there another way to set the number of vCPU. Or 
did it became useless ?

Thanks in advance.


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