I saw the documentation and source code of the state management with
RocksDB and before I use it, I'm concerned of one thing: Am I right that
currently when state is being checkpointed, the whole RocksDB state is
snapshotted? There is no incremental, diff snapshotting, is it? If so, this
seems to be unfeasible for keeping state counted in tens or hundreds of GBs
(and you reach that size of a state, when you want to keep an embedded
state of the streaming application instead of going out to Cassandra/Hbase
or other DB). It will just cost too much to do snapshots of such large

Samza as a good example to compare, writes every state change to Kafka
topic, considering it a snapshot in the shape of changelog. Of course in
the moment of app restart, recovering the state from the changelog would be
too costly, that is why the changelog topic is compacted. Plus, I think
Samza does a state snapshot from time to time anyway (but I'm not sure of

Thanks for answering my doubts,

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