
Looks like a potential solution. Feels a bit hacky though.

Didn't quite understand why a list backed store is used to for static input
buffer? Join(inner) should emit only one record if there is a key match.

Is it a property of the system to emit Long.MAX_VALUE watermark when a
finite stream source ends?
If so can I do something like this to read static file in parallel?
    val meta = env.readTextFile("S3:///path/to/file").map(...).keyBy(...)

Shouldn't we also override checkpoint handling of custom operator? If so,
should the checkpoint wait/fail during the initial read phase?

Adding a component like Cassandra just for this feels like a overkill. But
if I can't find a suitable way to do this, I might use it( or Redis


On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 12:20 PM, Lohith Samaga M <
> wrote:

> Hi,
> Cassandra could be used as a distributed cache.
> Lohith.
> Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone
> ---- Aljoscha Krettek wrote ----
> Hi Srikanth,
> that's an interesting use case. It's not possible to do something like
> this out-of-box but I'm actually working on API for such cases.
> In the mean time, I programmed a short example that shows how something
> like this can be programmed using the API that is currently available. It
> requires writing a custom operator but it is still somewhat succinct:
> Please let me know if you have any questions.
> Cheers,
> Aljoscha
> On Thu, 21 Apr 2016 at 03:06 Srikanth <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a fairly typical streaming use case but not able to figure how to
>> implement it best in Flink.
>> I want to join records read from a kafka stream with one(or more)
>> dimension tables which are saved as flat files.
>> As per this jira <> its
>> not possible to join DataStream with DataSet.
>> These tables are too big to do a collect() and join.
>> It will be good to read these files during startup, do a partitionByHash
>> and keep it cached.
>> On the DataStream may be do a keyBy and join.
>> Is something like this possible?
>> Srikanth
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