Hello Fabian,

Thanks for taking time to provide your recommendation, This is how I have

case class Something(f1: Int,f2: Int,f3: Int,f4: String ) // My
application's data structure

    *val k = envDefault
      .map(e => (e.f1, e.f2, e.f3, e.f4,1))  // I create a temporary tuple
      .map(e => (Something(e._1,e._2,e._3,e._4),e._5))

The output is 

I need to create a temporary tuple, because I need group by fields of the
case class; yet, I need to sum the fifth (newly added) field. Somehow, I
feel this is clunky! 

Is this a preferred way? Is there a better (performant, yet idiomatic) way?
Please make me wiser.

-- Nirmalya

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