
you can just use a flatMap() on a DataStream to access individual elements
from a stream.

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Piyush Shrivastava <piyush...@yahoo.co.in>

> Hi all,
> Can we access individual elements from a DataStream through an iterator
> like we can in a WindowedStream with the apply function?
> I am able to access the elements of a WindowedStream using the apply
> function and using the Iterable and Collector interfaces:
> val ds = ws.apply((K, W, input: Iterable[T], output: Collector[R]) => {
>    val it = input.toIterator
>    while(it.hasNext){
>       ...
>    }
> })
> the output of this function is a DataStream. I want to perform a keyBy on
> this DataStream and then again iterate through it's individual elements. We
> cannot use the apply function on DataStreams like in WindowedStreams. Is
> there any other way?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Piyush Shrivastava <piy...@webograffiti.com>
> [image: WeboGraffiti]
> http://webograffiti.com

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