(migrated from IRC)

Hello All,

My situation is this:

I have a large amount of data partitioned in kafka by "session" (natural 
partitioning).  After I read the data, I would like to do as much as possible 
before incurring re-serialization or network traffic due to the size of the 
data.  I am on 1.0.3 in the java API.

What I'd like to do is:

while maintaining the natural partitioning (so that a single thread can perform 
this) read data from kafka, perform a window'd fold over the incoming data 
keyed by a _different_ field("key") then take the product of that window'd fold 
and allow re-partitioning to colocate data with equivalent keys in a new 
partitioning scheme where they can be reduced into a final product.  The hope 
is that the products of such a windowed fold are orders of magnitude smaller 
than the data that would be serialized/sent if we re-partitioned before the 
window'd fold.

Is there a way to .keyBy(...) such that it will act within the physical 
partitioning of the data and not force a  re-partitioning of the data by that 



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