Hi Paul,

the example in the code is outdated, StringToByteSerializer has probably
been removed quite a while ago. I'll update the documentation once we
figured out the other problem you reported.
What's the exception you are getting?


On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 4:33 PM, Paul Joireman <paul.joire...@physiq.com>

> Hi all,
> The documentation describing the use of RabbitMQ as a sink gives the
> following example:
> RMQConnectionConfig connectionConfig = new 
> RMQConnectionConfig.Builder().setHost("localhost").setPort(5000).setUserName(..).setPassword(..).setVirtualHost("/").build();stream.addSink(new
>  RMQSink<String>(connectionConfig, "hello", new StringToByteSerializer()));
> However, a search of the flink github mirrored repo
> <https://github.com/apache/flink> does not show where
> StringToByteSerializer is defined and only shows it being used in the
> documentation of
> this example.    I've tried using a SimpleStringSchema which seems to
> handle serialization but this raises an exception when I attempt to
> run it.
> Does anyone have any experience with using a RabbitMQ sink?   Any pointers
> as to what I'm doing wrong.
> Thanks,
> Paul

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