Maybe this can be done by assigning the same window id to each of the N
local windows, and do a


This should create a new global window for each window id and collect all N

Best, Fabian

2016-10-06 22:39 GMT+02:00 AJ Heller <>:

> The goal is:
>  * to split data, random-uniformly, across N nodes,
>  * window the data identically on each node,
>  * transform the windows locally on each node, and
>  * merge the N parallel windows into a global window stream, such that one
> window from each parallel process is merged into a "global window" aggregate
> I've achieved all but the last bullet point, merging one window from each
> partition into a globally-aggregated window output stream.
> To be clear, a rolling reduce won't work because it would aggregate over
> all previous windows in all partitioned streams, and I only need to
> aggregate over one window from each partition at a time.
> Similarly for a fold.
> The closest I have found is ParallelMerge for ConnectedStreams, but I have
> not found a way to apply it to this problem. Can flink achieve this? If so,
> I'd greatly appreciate a point in the right direction.
> Cheers,
> -aj

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