
I have standalone Flink cluster configured with HA setting (i.e. with zookeeper recovery). How should I access it remotely, e.g. with Zeppelin notebook or scala shell?

There are settings for host/port, but with HA setting they are not fixed - if I check which is *current leader* host and port and set that I get exception on job manager:

20:36:38.237 [flink-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-22704] WARN o.a.f.runtime.jobmanager.JobManager - Discard message LeaderSessionMessage(null,SubmitJob(JobGraph(jobId: 02a3a43464b2a750e04855d4c0b6fecb),EXECUTION_RESULT_AND_STATE_CHANGES)) because the expected leader session ID Some(1a4e9d39-2c59-45bb-b81c-d867bec1958d) did not equal the received leader session ID None.

- I guess it's reasonable behaviour, since I should use appropriate LeaderRetrievalService and so on. But apparently there's no such possibility in scala flink shell?

Is it missing feature? I can prepare patch, but I'm not sure how would I hook behaviour of ClusterClient into FlinkILoop?



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