This is not possible at the moment. We discussed this a couple of
times before, but in the end did not want to expose it with the
initial version, because the interfaces are still very raw. This is
definitely on the agenda though.

As a work around you would have to build a custom Flink version with
calls `setQueryable` on the state descriptors of the WindowOperator.
If there is an easy non intrusive way to activate this for the
upcoming 1.2 version, I will try to do it.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 2:46 PM, Joe Olson <> wrote:
> From what I've read in the documentation, and from the examples I've seen,
> in order to make state queryable externally to Flink, the state descriptor
> variables need access to the Flink runtime context.
> This means the stream processor has to have access to the 'Rich' level
> objects - 'RichFlatMap' for example. All the SNAPSHOT1.2 queryable state
> examples I have seen revolve around RichFlatMap.
> Is there a way to get the runtime context exposed so that you can have state
> descriptor variables queryable from within a Flink window, while the window
> is loading?
> My processor is built around the following:
> .addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer010())
> .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new MyTimestampsAndWatermarks())
> .keyBy()
> .window(GlobalWindows.create())
> .trigger(new myTrigger())
> .apply(new myWindowFunction())
> .addSink(new mySink())
> The only rich object in this chain are available in the apply
> (RichWindowFunction). But that is too late - I want to be able to query out
> whats in the window while it is filling. I know I have access to onElement
> in the trigger, and I can set up the state descriptor variables there, but
> the variables don't seem to have exposure to the runtime environment within
> the trigger.
> Is there a way to get queryable state within a Flink window while it is
> filling?

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