Hi Dominik,
     As I know, the JobManager would detect the failure of TaskManager by akka 
watch mechanism. It is similar with heartbeat or ping way in network stack.You 
can refer to this link 
Futhermore, the upstream and downstream task related with the failed 
TaskManagerwould also be aware of the network inactive and resulting in task 
failure. And the failed task state will be notified to JobManager and trigger 
restarting the job and restoring the state.
    As you said, the CheckpointCoordinator component in JobManager is in charge 
of recovering state from complete checkpoint, and the state would be set onto 
Execution in ExecutionGraph.
For yarn cluster mode, 
Safaric <dominiksafa...@gmail.com>发送时间:2017年2月22日(星期三) 19:05收件人:user 
<user@flink.apache.org>主 题:TaskManager failure detection

As I’m investigating onto Flink’s fault tolerance capabilities, I would like to 
know what component and class is in charge of TaskManager failure detection and 
checkpoint restoring? In addition, how does Flink actually determine that a 
TaskManager has failed due to e.g. hardware failures? 

Up to my knowledge, the state should be restored using the 
CheckpointCoordinator or ExecutionGraph. Correct me if I’m wrong. 

Thanks in advance,

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