
funny coincidence, I was just about to ask the same thing. I have noticed this 
with restored checkpoints in one of my jobs. The timers seem to be gone. My 
window trigger registers a processing timer, but it seems that these don’t get 
restored - even if the timer is set to fire in the future, after the restore.

Is there something I need to be aware of in my class implementing Trigger? 
Anything I forgot to set in a method that’s being called upon a restore?


> Am 17.03.2017 um 15:14 schrieb Yassine MARZOUGUI <y.marzou...@mindlytix.com>:
> Hi all,
> How does the processing time timer behave when a job is taken down with a 
> savepoint and then restarted after the timer was supposed to fire? Will the 
> timer fire at restart because it was missed during the savepoint?
> I'm wondering because I would like to schedule periodic timers in the future 
> (in processing time) at which a state is read and emitted, but I'm afraid the 
> timer will never fire if it occurs when the job is being down, and therefore 
> the state will never be emitted.
> Best,
> Yassine

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