
I have already looked at the UnilateralSortMerger, concluding that all I/O
eventually goes via SegmentReadRequest and SegmentWriteRequest (which in
turn use java.nio.channels.FileChannel) in AsynchronousFileIOChannel. Are
there more interaction points between Flink and the underlying file system
that I might want to consider?


On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Kurt Young <ykt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> You probably want check out UnilateralSortMerger.java, this is the class
> which is responsible for external sort for flink. Here is a short
> description for how it works: there are totally 3 threads working together,
> one for reading, one for sorting partial data in memory, and the last one
> is responsible for spilling. Flink will first figure out how many memory it
> can use during the in-memory sort, and manage them as MemorySegments. Once
> these memory runs out, the sorting thread will take over these memory and
> do the in-memory sorting (For more details about in-memory sorting, you can
> see NormalizedKeySorter). After this, the spilling thread will write this
> sorted data to disk and make these memory available again for reading. This
> will repeated until all data has been processed.
> Normally, the data will be read twice (one from source, and one from disk)
> and write once, but if you spilled too much files, flink will first merge
> some all the files and make sure the last merge step will not exceed some
> limit (default 128). Hope this can help you.
> Best,
> Kurt
> On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:20 PM, Robert Schmidtke <ro.schmid...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently examining the I/O patterns of Flink, and I'd like to know
>> when/how Flink goes to disk. Let me give an introduction of what I have
>> done so far.
>> I am running TeraGen (from the Hadoop examples package) + TeraSort (
>> https://github.com/robert-schmidtke/terasort) on a 16 node cluster, each
>> node with 64 GiB of memory, 2x32 cores, and roughly half a terabyte of
>> disk. I'm using YARN and HDFS. The underlying file system is XFS.
>> Now before running TeraGen and TeraSort, I reset the XFS counters to
>> zero, and after TeraGen + TeraSort are finished, I dump the XFS counters
>> again. Accumulated over the entire cluster I get 3 TiB of writes and 3.2
>> TiB of reads. What I'd have expected would be 2 TiB of writes (1 for
>> TeraGen, 1 for TeraSort) and 1 TiB of reads (during TeraSort).
>> Unsatisfied by the coarseness of these numbers I developed an HDFS
>> wrapper that logs file system statistics for each call to hdfs://..., such
>> as start time/end time, no. of bytes read/written etc. I can plot these
>> numbers and see what I expect: during TeraGen I have 1 TiB of writes to
>> hdfs://..., during TeraSort I have 1 TiB of reads from and 1 TiB of writes
>> to hdfs://... So far, so good.
>> Now this still did not explain the disk I/O, so I added bytecode
>> instrumentation to a range of Java classes, like FileIn/OutputStream,
>> RandomAccessFile, FileChannel, ZipFile, multiple *Buffer classes for memory
>> mapped files etc., and have the same statistics: start/end of a read
>> from/write to disk, no. of bytes involved and such. I can plot these
>> numbers too and see that the HDFS JVMs write 1 TiB of data to disk during
>> TeraGen (expected) and read and write 1 TiB from and to disk during
>> TeraSort (expected).
>> Sorry for the enormous introduction, but now there's finally the
>> interesting part: Flink's JVMs read from and write to disk 1 TiB of data
>> each during TeraSort. I'm suspecting there is some sort of spilling
>> involved, potentially because I have not done the setup properly. But that
>> is not the crucial point: my statistics give a total of 3 TiB of writes to
>> disk (2 TiB for HDFS, 1 TiB for Flink), which agrees with the XFS counters
>> from above. However, my statistics only give 2 TiB of reads from disk (1
>> TiB for HDFS, 1 TiB for Flink), so I'm missing an entire TiB of reads from
>> disk somewhere. I have done the same with Hadoop TeraSort, and there I'm
>> not missing any data, meaning my statistics agree with XFS for TeraSort on
>> Hadoop, which is why I suspect there are some cases where Flink goes to
>> disk without me noticing it.
>> Therefore here finally the question: in which cases does Flink go to
>> disk, and how does it do so (meaning precisely which Java classes are
>> involved, so I can check my bytecode instrumentation)? This would also
>> include any kind of resource distribution via HDFS/YARN I guess (like JAR
>> files and I don't know what). Seeing that I'm missing an amount of data
>> equal to the size of my input set I'd suspect there must be some sort of
>> shuffling/spilling at play here, but I'm not sure. Maybe there is also some
>> sort of remote I/O involved via sockets or so that I'm missing.
>> Any hints as to where Flink might incur disk I/O are greatly appreciated!
>> I'm also happy with doing the digging myself, once pointed to the proper
>> packages in the Apache Flink source tree (I have done my fair share of
>> inspection already, but could not be sure whether or not I have missed
>> something). Thanks a lot in advance!
>> Robert
>> --
>> My GPG Key ID: 336E2680

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