For managing a Job you can either use the bin/flink command-line tool or the 
Rest API [1]. As for dynamically adding patterns, that’s outside of the scope 
of Flink right now. There are, however, some users that implemented this on top 
of Flink, see for example RBEA [2]. The basic idea is to use a ConnectedStream 
where one input is the main input and the other input is a control stream that 
updates the existing patterns.

[2] https://techblog.king.com/rbea-scalable-real-time-analytics-king/ 

> On 3. May 2017, at 10:02, Moiz S Jinia <moiz.ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there an API that allows remotely adding, modifying, and cancelling Flink 
> jobs? Example - changing the time window of a deployed Pattern, adding new 
> Patterns, etc.
> Whats the best way to go about this? To the end user the Pattern would 
> manifest as rules that can be updated anytime.
> Moiz

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