Hi ,

I am trying to implement a flink job which requires a window that keeps on
adding data to the previous data in the window. The idea is for every
addition of a new stream of record, the subsequent chain till the sink
needs to be called. In the next iteration window will have old data + new
data and the chain is still processed.

Iteration 1 - Window ( record_1) -> Proceed with downstream Chaining and
call sink
Iteration 2 - Window(record_1,record_2) -> Proceed with downstream Chaining
and call sink
Iteration n - Window(record_1,record_2,...,record n) -> Proceed with
downstream Chaining and call sink

Finally , clear the window at the configured time of the day.

I hope the use case is clear. Looking forward to your thoughts on designing
the same.

Vijay Raajaa G S

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