Hi Marc,

PageRank and GSAPageRank were moved to the flink-gelly-examples jar in the 
org.apache.flink.graph.examples package. A library algorithm was added that 
supports both source and sink vertices. This limitation of the old algorithms 
was noted in the class documentation and I understand to be an effect of delta 
iterations. The new implementation is also significantly faster 

PageRank can be run using the examples jar from the command line, for example 
(don’t wildcard the jar file as in the documentation until we get the javadoc 
jar removed from the next release).

$ mv opt/flink-gelly* lib/
$ ./bin/flink run examples/gelly/flink-gelly-examples_2.11-1.3.1.jar \
    --algorithm PageRank \
    --input CSV --type integer --simplify directed --input_filename <filename> 
--input_field_delimiter $'\t' \
    --output print

The output can also be written to CSV in similar fashion to the input.

The code to call the library PageRank from the examples driver is as with any 

        graph.run(new PageRank<K, VV, EV>(dampingFactor, iterations,  

Please let us know of any issues or additional questions!


> On Jul 22, 2017, at 4:33 PM, Kaepke, Marc <marc.kae...@haw-hamburg.de> wrote:
> Hi there,
> why was the PageRank version (which implements the GraphAlgorithm interface) 
> removed in 1.3?
> How can I use the new PageRank implementation in 1.3.x?
> Why PageRank doesn’t use the graph processing models (vertex-centric, sg or 
> gsa) anymore?
> Thanks!
> Bests,
> marc

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