Hi Folks,

I have a question regarding Global Windows.

I have a stream with a large number of records. The records have a key which 
has a very high cardinality. They also have a state ( start, status, finish).

I need to do some processing where I look at the records separated into windows 
using the ‘state’ property.

From the documentation, I believe I should be using a Global Window with a 
custom trigger to identify the windows….

I have this implemented.. the Trigger returns ‘CONTINUE” for ‘start', and 
FIRE_AND_PURGE for ‘finish'.

I also need to avoid running out of memory  since sometimes I don’t get 
‘finish’ records… so I added a timer to the Trigger which PURGE’s if it fires..

Is this the correct approach?

I say this since I do in fact see a memory leak …  is there anything else I 
need to be aware of?



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