BTW, ActivityInfo is an PB object build from xxx.proto. And already has it's 
value setted to itself.

At 2017-08-15 21:17:00, "mingleizhang" <> wrote:

Hi, flink experts!

I sinked my data ( PB objects ) to elasticsearch. I dont know whether the 
sinked data is correct or incorrect. The codes like following, Could you help 
me check it please ? Im not familar with ES. Now, I want to install a kibana to 
view my data. But I dont know the below codes is correct or incorrect. I ran 
the flink program. it does not give me an error. I just want to confirm.

// sink the filtered data to ElasticSearch
ElasticsearchSink[ActivityInfo](configElasticSearch, transportAddress, new 
ElasticsearchSinkFunction[ActivityInfo] {
def createIndexRequest(element: ActivityInfo): IndexRequest = {
val json = new java.util.HashMap[String, ActivityInfo]
    json.put("data", element)
override def process(activityInfo: ActivityInfo, runtimeContext: 
RuntimeContext, requestIndexer: RequestIndexer): Unit = {



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