
I have a flink application that is streaming data into HDFS and I am using 
Bucketing Sink for that. And, I want to know if is it possible to rename the 
part files that is being created in the base hdfs directory.

Right now I am using the below code for including the timestamp into part-file 
name, but the problem I am facing is the timestamp is not changing for the new 
part file that is being rolled!

BucketingSink<String> HdfsSink = new BucketingSink<String> (hdfsOutputPath);

HdfsSink.setBucketer(new BasePathBucketer<String>());
HdfsSink.setBatchSize(1024 * 1024 * hdfsOutputBatchSizeInMB); // this means 
'hdfsOutputBatchSizeInMB' MB
HdfsSink.setPartPrefix("PART-FILE-" + 

Can someone please suggest me, what code changes I can try so that I get a new 
timestamp for every part file that is being rolled new?

Thanks a lot.


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