You cannot change the size/trigger count while a job is running.

For this to work you will have to take a savepoint, modify the parameters and reload from the savepoint.

On 11.09.2017 09:27, victor.reut wrote:

I want to have an opportunity to update timeWindow size and trigger value in
KeyedStream dynamically at runtime. For example, I have such a piece of

     DataStream<SampleObject> stream = env.addSource(new
FlinkKafkaConsumer09<>(TOPIC, new JSONDeserializer(), properties));

     Integer numMinutes = ...
     Integer triggersCount = ...

                         .reduce(new MetricsReduceFunction() , new

If I just change the values of variables numMinutes and triggersCount, Flink
does not update them. Also I haven't found a good solution in google.
Does anybody know how to solve this issue?

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